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Sunday, 12 August 2018

Go shorty

It's been my birthday weekend and I've been lucky enough to meet up with family and friends to share my celebrations.

Some of our Birthday traditions are thought to originate when the Greeks would make round cakes in honour of Artemis, the goddess of the moon. The candles represented the glow of the moon and the smoke from the candles carried prayers and wishes to the Gods above. We blow out candles and make a wish on our birthdays although actual birthday cake probably originated in Germany with the idea of adding candles according to one's age.

I have friends who prefer to forget their birthday and hate the fact they're getting older. In fact birthdays should definitely be celebrated whether you're one, one hundred or anywhere in between. It's a sign of living life and that's a celebration in itself.

Whatever the story behind the birthday cake tradition, I'm up for having people sing to me whilst the glow of the candles illuminate my face, enjoy making a wish for something and eventually sharing and eating a little slice of heaven. It's a win-win.  

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