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Sunday, 9 November 2014

The Vegetarian Tart!!



noun - a person who does not eat meat or fish, and sometimes other animal products, especially for moral, religious, or health reasons.


noun - an open pastry case containing a sweet or savoury filling.

noun - a woman who dresses or behaves in a way that is considered tasteless and sexually provocative - a woman of loose morals.

adjective - sharp or acid in taste - cutting, bitter or sarcastic

If you have logged on to my blog looking for Vegetarian news, views and amusing anecdotes, you have come to the right place.  If you typed in the word Tart and were looking for something along the lines of the second noun, you may be sadly disappointed!

Many people say to me "but do you eat fish?"  "No, I am a vegetarian" say I to the puzzled faces. If I were to eat fish I would be a Pescatarian: noun - a person who does not eat meat but does eat fish. Bizarrely, many of my friends are so-called vegetarians who eat fish.  It seems that calling oneself a pescatarian is just not the done thing!

On my numerous visits to various restaurants I have often been faced with the choice of ... a tart (usually goats cheese).  When the waiter (and I'll get on to them later) returns to the table bearing said meal, he bellows "who is The Vegetarian Tart?" My friends delight in pointing at me and squealing "she's here!!"

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