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Sunday, 10 December 2017

The Rocky Road to Christmas

The lights have been untangled, the trees wrestled indoors and the baubles co-ordinated - phew. Such a lot to organise in the run up to Christmas from decorations to gifts and enough food to see you through the festive days. There are parties to attend, friends and family to visit and cards and gifts to deliver. 

We were making a trip up north and heavy snowfall was threatened. It's always wise to take a few provisions for the journey ahead and Rocky Road seemed very apt.

- Melt together 125g butter with 200g 70% dark chocolate & 100g milk chocolate and 3 tbsp golden syrup
- Add 200g bashed up rich tea biscuits (fragmented not crumbed)
- Add 100g mini marshmallows until melted and marbled*
- Decorate with sieved icing sugar, edible glitter or festive 100s and 1000s**
- Line a shallow tray with cling film, enough to cover the top too & place in the fridge
- Once chilled and set, slice into squares as big or small as you like

* I've found vegetarian mini marshmallows in Holland and Barret and Sainsburys - check there's no gelatin.
**I used Waitrose Christmas 100s and 1000s which are vegetarian but not vegan as they are coated in shellac.

Thankfully we only had a sprinkle of snow and our journey was fine. The Rocky Road, however, was not wasted.

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