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Sunday, 19 February 2017


To the lips
Through the gums
Hey up stomach
Here it comes!

Yes, many of us wolf our food down without taking the time to savour the flavour. My spaniel, Max, is the biggest culprit. Give him a treat, or worse still, some of my meal, and it literally doesn't touch the sides. What a waste!

As well as enjoying the fragrance, texture and taste of food, chewing slowly and thoroughly helps the absorption of vital nutrients, breaks food down into smaller pieces which aids digestion and produces saliva which cleanses your mouth of bacteria and produces digestive enzymes. It is also believed to trick the mind into thinking you've been eating for a while, feeling you've had enough and therefore aiding portion control. Whilst we vegetarians don't have meat to chew, we should still take our time and chew food down to a liquid form and swallow before taking the next mouthful. 

Whenever I drive into Harrogate I see a street sign; Tewit Well Road. Honest. It used to be an actual spa water well and now stands on the Stray. The name Tewit was after a local word for peewit or lapwing, birds which still frequent the Stray. Whilst the association is with the spa waters of the town, I like to think of it as a reminder to chew, chew and chew again.

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