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Sunday, 26 February 2017

Who gives a toss?

Pancake day is almost upon us and every magazine and newspaper I pick up has some theory as to its origin. Aka Shrove Tuesday, it was a day of cleansing one's soul at confession before cleansing one's body with the advent of Lent, marked by Ash Wednesday. In preparation for the fasting of Lent, like Old Mother Hubbard's bare cupboards they would only hold eggs, milk and grain and these were combined to make pancakes. Through the ages they were made both savoury and sweet with different toppings ebbing and flowing through time.

Pancake racing apparently started in the 15th Century with a housewife running down the street to church whilst still holding her pancake pan. She was obviously late; a trait I am familiar with. This morning our breakfast pancakes were finally served at noon ...

... and were well worth the wait.

Sunday, 19 February 2017


To the lips
Through the gums
Hey up stomach
Here it comes!

Yes, many of us wolf our food down without taking the time to savour the flavour. My spaniel, Max, is the biggest culprit. Give him a treat, or worse still, some of my meal, and it literally doesn't touch the sides. What a waste!

As well as enjoying the fragrance, texture and taste of food, chewing slowly and thoroughly helps the absorption of vital nutrients, breaks food down into smaller pieces which aids digestion and produces saliva which cleanses your mouth of bacteria and produces digestive enzymes. It is also believed to trick the mind into thinking you've been eating for a while, feeling you've had enough and therefore aiding portion control. Whilst we vegetarians don't have meat to chew, we should still take our time and chew food down to a liquid form and swallow before taking the next mouthful. 

Whenever I drive into Harrogate I see a street sign; Tewit Well Road. Honest. It used to be an actual spa water well and now stands on the Stray. The name Tewit was after a local word for peewit or lapwing, birds which still frequent the Stray. Whilst the association is with the spa waters of the town, I like to think of it as a reminder to chew, chew and chew again.

Sunday, 12 February 2017

Hearty fare

Two days until Valentine's Day and here in Yorkshire it's a cold 2 degrees with wintery showers. Heart shaped biscuits, cakes and chocolates adorn the supermarket shelves but what we really want is heart-warming food. Something made with love, shared with loved ones and comforting enough to warm the cockles of your heart.

Mary Berry came to the rescue today with Spinach and Three Cheese Bake. Penne pasta, homemade tomato sauce and a delicious filling:-
8oz coarsely chopped spinach
8oz full fat mascarpone
2oz Gran Moravia vegetarian cheese
Small bunch of basil chopped
2tsp cornflour
2oz grated Cheddar cheese

- Wilt, squeeze, drain the spinach and leave to cool
- Mix it with mascarpone, Gran Moravia cheese, basil plus the cornflour mixed with a little water.
- Heat in pan bringing to the boil and stirring until combined and a thick saucy consistency. Season.
- Mix cooked pasta with the tomato sauce and spoon into a baking dish. Season.
- Top with the spinach mixture and sprinkle with Cheddar cheese.
- Bake for 30 mins at 220/200 fan/Gas 7
* You could use heart shaped pasta instead of penne

I certainly could feel the lurve! 

Sunday, 5 February 2017

Vegging Out

This week I have discovered something about myself. I am a lazy vegetarian! When I only have to think about myself I turn to jacket potato with beans and cheese; soup and toast and even drained chilli bean soup with rice.

 A colleague asked me what I was having for lunch and my reply was "a hot cross bun!" Hardly nutritious. The same evening another friend asked if she could pick my brain on how to cook various beans, pulses and grains in order for her to start meat free Mondays. In my panic my mind went blank and I mumbled something about getting some info to her.

The next day I was flicking through the January Waitrose magazine and discovered it was entirely dedicated to a vegetarian diet with lots of information and ideas for meals. Hurrah! It was just the kick up the bum I needed to refresh my diet.

I started with halloumi burgers (which all the family enjoyed) and have today made gnocchi with broccoli and hazelnuts. That was deemed delicious too but there was not enough of it! Praise indeed! 

Although I have several vegetarian cookbooks it sometimes takes a different medium to ignite inspiration and increase one's repertoire.