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Sunday, 28 August 2016

My Flexible Friend!

Back in my baby blogging days (9/11/14) I gave definitions for vegetarian, vegan and pescatarian. Well now there's a new buzz word on the block; flexitarian!

This enables people to eat a mostly plant-based diet whilst still enjoying a meat or fish dish occasionally! Apparently lots of people have tried being vegetarian but still can't resist a bacon sandwich or have been long-term vegetarians who have come back to the idea of eating small amounts of sustainable meat, poultry, fish and seafood. For others it may be a way of going a step beyond meat-free Monday as people recognise the health, financial and environmental benefits of eating the vegetarian way.

Personally I don't like meat or fish and so after 26 years of being vegetarian I can't imagine being tempted back from the green side! However, never say never, I have met many people who have returned after decades away from meat.

My husband has bought me a cook book entitled The Part-time Vegetarian by Nicola Graimes. I'm not sure of his intentions as he is definitely ('though not in huge quantities) a meat and fish eater. The book gives vegetarian recipes with a "part-time variation" enabling meat or fish to be added. As he does not like many vegetables, nor many pulses, I'm at a loss as to what I might make that will suit us both. The children are off to Uni next month and it really would be nice to be able to cook just one recipe for the two of us. Let's hope he can be flexible because, sure as hell, I cannot! 

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