Whilst in London last year with said teenager and friend, I spotted what I thought was the perfect gift for her grandparents; Beige Chocolate. The girls went into hysterics and it turns out I am the Biddy who can't see without her glasses; it was in fact Belge Chocolat!
Anyway, when it comes to chocolate the only colour to eat these days is the very dark brown -at least 70% cocoa content - and only then in moderation. The good news is that this kind of chocolate has the added benefit of actually being good for us, as opposed to milk and white chocoate which is full of sugar, fat and calories. Studies show that dark chocolate can actually improve our health, lower the risk of heart disease and improve our memory.
Easter has just been a bonanza time for chocaholics like myself but none of that will have been beneficial, being bad for my figure, my complexion and my teeth. When my daughter was aged about 5 and had lost the first of her milk teeth I explained how she would get a second set and must look after them. She turned to me and, in all seriousness, asked when she would get her yellow teeth, like me! Aaagh! From the mouths of babes eh?
Well it's not game over for chocolate nor, for that matter, my sweet tooth. Dark chocolate contains antioxidants which fight tooth decay and the cocoa butter coats the teeth and stops plaque from sticking to them. Sounds like a win-win situation to me!
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