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Sunday, 29 March 2015

What does Holy Week hold?

Today is Palm Sunday; the start of Holy Week. This week sees Lent drawing to a close. I gave up sweets this year and have not particularly found it a hardship as I have still been allowed other sweet treats. The year I gave up chocolate was the hardest, with other foods eaten to excess by way of compensation during the six weeks of Lent and a huge Easter Egg as reward when I crossed the finish line!

With Maundy Thursday celebrating the Last Supper, it got me thinking about what my ideal meal would be were it the last thing I ever ate. Whilst I enjoy food, I eat to live rather than live to eat and have very few favourite or memorable meals. Prisoners on Death Row are asked what last meal they would like and, dependent upon which State they are incarcerted in, may or may not be granted it. It's hard to imagine being in that situation. Perhaps an easier question would be to ask what meal people would choose if they returned from a desert island or, indeed, the jungle on I'm a Celebrity ... Interestingly on that programme, when only given the bare essentials of rice and beans, contestants generally crave salty, spicy and sweet foods. Flavour, it would seem, is more important than quantity.

My fairly humble meal would be as follows:-

Caprese salad (made with the finest & freshest ingredients)

Asparagus, broad bean, pea & goats cheese risotto (made with the finest & freshest ingredients)

Warm chocolate brownie with ice cream (made with the finest & freshest ingredients)

Naturally they would each have to be prepared and cooked to perfection with just the right seasoning, dressing and ooziness. At the end of the meal I would say "that was delicious" and then, as my childhood family tradition dictated, would have to spell that word ... D E L I C I O U S ! Incidentally, we weren't part of a spelling bee; Delicious was the only word we regularly spelt out loud!

We have also reached British Summer Time, when civil time in the UK is advanced 1 hour forward of Greenwich Mean Time. This will mean lighter evenings and, although the mornings will be darker to start with, days will stretch. The prospect of summer with countryside picnics, seaside barbecues and candlelit outdoor dining is enough to gladden the heart of even the grumpiest souls.

The week ahead will, as well as the Easter festivities, include April Fools Day. Ours is a family of jokers and wind-up merchants and one of our best tricks was played on my son who is very car-proud. We informed him that we had noticed a small chip on his windscreen. He rushed out to find exactly that; a frozen french fry placed strategically near his wipers! I wonder what word he was thinking of spelling ...

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