I bought some recently from a food market where they came loose, in a brown paper bag. At home I decanted them in to a jar and placed them beside the porridge so that I would remember to sprinkle them each morning. I have to say, on opening the cupboard, it does look as though we are harbouring Great Aunt Ermentrude's ashes!
The other downside, if I'm allowed to say there is one, is that the little perishers get stuck in ones teeth and can make a reappearance at any point during the day! Worse still, due to the fibre content within them, they absorb large amounts of liquid and expand. That's a good thing I hear you say; they expand in the stomach, increasing fullness and slowing down the absorption of food. Well yes, but remove one from between your gnashers and it looks something like a fish eye! A bulbous transparent shell with a black dot in the middle!
No I shouldn't say these things. They really are good for you and can be incorporated into your diet with ease. Sprinkle them on porridge, cereal, yogurts, smoothies, veggies, rice, salads and add to baking. They have very little flavour so adding them to your food will significantly boost the nutritional value.
I enjoy blueberry and raspberry chia porridge washed down with a cup of chai tea!