I have to say it was a triumph. The recipe I used was from an old Cranks recipe book as follows:
1 medium sized onion
1oz/25g butter
8oz/225g mixed nuts
4oz/100g wholemeal bread
1/2pt/300ml vegetable stock
2tsp/10ml yeast extract
1tsp/5ml mixed herbs
Salt & pepper to taste
Basically you just blitz the nuts and bread finely. Chop and saute the onions. Boil the stock and yeast extract. Combine everything. Place in a greased shallow baking dish and bake at 180 degrees/Gas Mark 4 for 30 mins until golden brown.
It looked a little like very dark stuffing and not particularly appealing but tasted absolutely delicious!
Around our dining table jokes and stories are shared, old and new. Every year we await a mention of the RAF by my father and father-in-law (both of whom did National Service) and my mum shares a tale of a friend who would fry left-over Christmas Pudding with his cooked breakfast. It's our tradition to share these stories and Christmas is all about tradition. New Year, on the other hand, is all about resolutions and new beginnings.
My resolution, as always, is to be a better person. I have already resolved to write this Blog for a year and, as part of that, aim to try out more vegetarian recipes. Happy New Year and watch this space!